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Becoming a Coach
Cost and Schedule Information

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Fall 2024

Scheduling and Cost Information for BaC Fall 2024


The cost of the program is $3200 (US$).


At HSoC, we aim to provide the world’s best coach training at the lowest cost. We don’t know of any comparable program that costs as little. We are proud of that.


We also accept installment payments to make the program more accessible.


BaC does not have a sliding scale like Fundamentals of Coaching, but we do have some scholarships support available (and some work study). Please email us at if you are not able to pay the full tuition and would like to explore those options.


Scheduling (for autumn 2024)

The program runs for about 3.5 months and requires–on average–seven hours per week of your time. The time is used as follows.















About half of the BaC schedule is fixed. The other half is variable, flexible to your schedule. 


All the activities are live, with other people, online. Almost all the content sessions (which are jam packed) and the smaller group sessions are experiential and engaging. Only the homework, listening to or watching recordings of master coaches, is just watching talking heads. While there is a long list of suggested reading and journaling is always a good idea, there is no required reading or writing. 


The Fixed Schedule Events (40.5 hours)

  • The Kick Off Day will be Saturday, Sep 7, 10:00am to 4:30pm Eastern Time. 

  • The Content Sessions are held on Tuesdays, from noon to 2:30pm Eastern Time, starting Sep 10 and ending on Dec 17. These are led by Joshua Hornick. (These sessions are recorded so if you have to miss a few of them, while it’s not recommended, it’s not a crisis.) 

  • Two of the five Group Mentor Coaching sessions are held on the Tuesdays at noon when Content Sessions are not in session. These sessions are attended by (on average) five students and one mentor coach.


Somewhat Flexible Schedule Events (18 hours)

  • The other two (or three) Group Mentor Coaching sessions, you will be able to choose from a range of times that we’ll send to you in early September. You sign up for what fits your schedule.

  • The Critique Sessions you will likewise choose from a range of times that we will send you in early September. The critique sessions are attended by three students and one mentor coach. (Some are led by Josh Hornick.)


Very Flexible Schedule items (32 hours)

  • The three Private Mentor Coaching sessions, you will schedule with your mentor coach at a mutually acceptable time.

  • The 20 Community Coaching sessions, you will schedule with your CCP clients at mutually acceptable times.

  • The homework, observing coaching sessions, you will do at your own convenience.


Note: If you miss Private Mentor Coaching sessions or Critique Sessions for which you’ve signed up, you will need to pay $100 to reschedule the mentor coach’s time.


There are 20 seats available in the fall 2024 program.


Click here to register.

For personal questions about the program contact our administrative assistant, Jazz, at


Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Coaching (which can be waived with permission)

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