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Thank you
for checking out
of Coaching:
A Course in Kindness.

Here's the deal. . .

I initially created Fundamentals of Coaching (FoC) as an introduction to life and business coaching. It became more than that. 


"Very meaningful and relevant to everyday life."


It became an experience where coaches and non-coaches leverage their good will and kindness to become better at bringing out the best in others. People found that it had a dramatic impact on their perspective and their lives. 


"Best coaching I've had in the last 10 years!"


Through this program you become better at connecting with everyone. It changes who you are. It makes you clearer and kinder. If that’s something you want for yourself, please consider joining us.


"Josh's class is experiential rather than didactic, 

and this is what makes it so powerful."


The design of the program is unique.

  • It’s largely introspective. I have a little to teach you about how to bring out the best in others. You have a lot to teach yourself. But, inertia gets in the way. FoC breaks that inertia. People who are already good at bringing out the best in others often get the most out of the program.


"Affirmed my innate knowledge and intuition and appreciative of

learning new ways of breathing life into a deflated uncertain spirit."


  • The sessions are full of introspective meditations and small group conversations. These are the best way to dig into your own wisdom. It's also fun. . . even on Zoom.


"This program was everything I needed to up level my life.

I feel like there's a flow happening in my life again after a long period of feeling totally stuck. In 6 short weeks, I went from being weighed down by things I had been resisting to feeling energized to take action! My relationships have improved, I'm feeling more optimistic about my future and my life feels like it has meaning again. To say that this course has been life-changing is an understatement. It's been life affirming!

I didn't want it to end."



FoC runs for six 2-hour sessions, meeting once a week. 

Here are the upcoming programs. They start​​​​


"So many of us returned to class with heartwarming stories

demonstrating the value of our learning."


Friendly Pricing

This program is my gift. I want everyone who desires to bring out the best in others to learn through this experience, so I price it flexibly.

The standard price is $299.

If that price is hard for you, at the registration site, there options that allow you to enroll for ½ the standard price or ¼ the standard price. If even that is too much for you, contact me directly and–if you are sincere–I’ll happily give you a discount code to register for free.


"Josh is like a mix of Ted Lasso and Obi-Wan Kenobi!"


This program is the culmination of my life work as a corporate lawyer, a massage therapist, a high school teacher, a non-profit director, and–of course–as a coach. I’ve put my heart into it. And, I want to share it with you because it will serve you, and it will help you to serve the world better.


"I would strongly recommend this program for those who are certified coaches who need to reboot, refresh their coaching skills. This program allowed me to remember why I wanted to become a coach and why coaching is incredibly powerful."


More Info

There is more information on the Hornick School for Coaching website. and the Fundamentals of Coaching webpage. Please read what’s there if you want to know more. And, feel free to reach out to me directly, too,


"I strongly recommend this program to individuals who are looking to improve their people management and supervisory skills as well as to people who are considering doing any kind of coaching (e.g., life, leadership, athletic)."


To Be Sure You Stay In the Loop

Please go here to get on the mailing list and hear about future programs.


I hope you will join us. Enrollment is limited. First come, first served. Thanks again for checking out the Fundamentals of Coaching experience.


"As a parent, as a partner, as a person, this nourishes the best in me."


Click here for registration information.


With love and gratitude,


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