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 Community Coaching Program

More about the Community Coaching Program

The Community Coaching Program is a free service offered by the Hornick School of Coaching to make coaching support available to individuals and organizations who would not otherwise have the benefits of coaching support.


The coaching engagements with the CCP usually include five coaching sessions that last from 45-60 minutes.The duration of the engagement lasts about one month. Some of the engagements include eight coaching sessions that that last from 25-30 minutes. The duration of those engagements last close to two months. The next engagements will commence in late September 2024. Other engagements will commence in October and November. Early applicants are more likely to be accepted.


The engagements are often profoundly valuable. They are usually fun, too. Feedback from clients is almost always very positive. 


When a coaching engagement commences, the coach and the client schedule all five (or eight) sessions for times that are mutually convenient. While coaches are usually quite flexible in finding times to schedule, they are not flexible about rescheduling. People who cannot commit to the schedule of their appointments are discouraged from applying. We cannot accommodate people who can’t schedule reliably.


Individual people may apply by clicking the link below. Non-profit, civic, educational, and small businesses may also arrange to have a number of "seats" in the CCP for people who work in the organization. To explore those arrangements, please contact Dan Finn, Community Liaison,


The coaches in the program are students in the Hornick School of Coaching who are training for professional certification as coaches. They coach CCP clients under the direction of an experienced mentor coach. In the course of their training, each student coach works with four clients in the Community Coaching Program.


At this point in time, the CCP is available only to people at least 18 years old.


 Click Here To Apply


For more information, please contact Daniel Finn, HSoC Community Liaison.

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